martes, 28 de octubre de 2014

My social service "Ohana"

For my social service my friends and I chose the foundation "Ohana" which its purpose is to participate in several events were they spend time with kids and help poor communities to recreate their homes or streets. As volunteers of this organization our role is to impulse the children to integrate the basic education principals also by doing fun activities and implement the development of human values. 

Ohana is not only involving CCU volunteers, Udem, Tec de Monterrey, CEGL and UANL are also participating. As volunteers we need to take a several training and either congress or planning meetings in which we learn how treat children correctly, medical aids and social sensitization. The organization implemented in Ohana is basically on three different categories, cultural, sportive and development workshops in which the children interact with each other. After the categories implemented, every day during the congress will have a different topic. The related topics are Ohana identity, autoknowledge, team interaction, Mexico culture, worldwide, ecology, dreams, and reality.

Each event has a different theme in which children acquired different knowledge. For example Ohana Inc. is characterized for its entrepreneurship workshops how to create your own business and the creativity process. Besides, during the event will be applied basic mathematical topics and how to work as a team.

Ohana will manage a record already approved with results and impacts from the children before and after each event. The purpose of this is to manage the progress of each participation and how can we improve next time. My first visit and interaction with Ohana will be on November 1 of 2014 in Campus Eugenio Garza Laguera and two weeks later will be participating in Ohana Inc for the entrepreneurship camp.

martes, 14 de octubre de 2014

Social cause

October 2014
Social cause in organizations

               I have found it, since last week I’ve been searching for the right foundation or organization in which people can join to this cause. The place I chose is called Ohana which is a group in school with the mission of help poor communities and imply to the children the importance of having a better educational estrategic model and a view of life by having interactive activities and show them love and kindness, also by making the children how to build confidence and happiness in their lives.

          This year, Ohana offer several events in which students from prepa tec can participate as volunteers for this cause. Perhaps Ohana also looks for the possibility in some future to fortify the relations with new and innovated models of knowledge in public and private schools and as time goes by, try to collaborate with other civil associations by joining with other organizations in order to improve in the future. Some of this events are Ohanapoly, Ohana inc. Vive ohana, Despiertoh, Los mas sabios del tec, El tigre + sabio, Trote por un sueño and Campamento Ohana. Besides not only CCU is involved in this amazing foundation, Campus Monterrey, UDEM, CEGL, and UANL are also participating.

           The objective of this organization is not only to regenerate poor streets and spend time with children, as a volunteers we must teach them how work as team with good organization, making activities in which kids will develop educational, sportive, and artistic skills, but most important give to children a better vision of life. Besides, in some events of Ohana volunteers teach the kids about the entreperneurship and creativity in innovated business plans in which this will collaborate in the country because this children are the future of México. 

               For me participating as a volunteer is not only because will improve my academic resume, being a volunteer in this association will help my own personal leadership and gives me the satisfaction that I am helping others as a good solidary Mexican. 
In Ohana in order to participate in this events there are four types of training for volunteers. Intensive training, weekly meetings, normal congress and congress of sensibilization. 

viernes, 26 de septiembre de 2014

Lack of food and water

September 26, 2014

Food and water crisis 

Now a day’s many people around the world suffer lack of food and water crisis. Sometimes communities don't see how dangerous this crisis can be. Water should be consider as our major priority, water crisis is not only affecting our daily needs but also we doesn't take care of it in the right way. Finding not only enough water but a safe one, many places around the world suffer of lack food which is another major problem. During this week analysis, I noticed that while we all do these daily activities you are not conscious about the possible consequences this problem can cause.

I think one of the habits I should change on my daily routines are the use of water bottles. About 2L of water I drink daily and half of it comes from buying water bottles. One solution could can be start using one single and reusable bottle instead of buying and using many plastic bottles. On my nutrition routine I guess it’s important to make a balance of eating in school and home. Because I spend too much money buying my breakfast and lunch in school perhaps it’s not always that healthy at all. 
According to some studies, the good water access depends on the good food preserve and growth in both rural and urban areas. Just try to imagine that globally people use 70% for agriculture and food production and 10% for your daily routines. Every single product, food need the use of water, even apples they need lots liters for they production and consumption.
                But after all, there’s still hope for a better keeping and make others conscious about this serious problem. Some recomendations for society are, use water carefully and in a appropiate way. Like don't take too much time on the shower, don't waste it on the home and clean uses only if is necessary. Appreciate all you have, food and amenities, instead don't waste money by buying food products you don't necessary need. And eat healthy, quality over quantity. 

September 2014

My daily water and food activities

On friday I up at 5:30am as I usually do, I brush my teeth and clean my face with a facial cleanser. After that I take around 10 minutes in the shower. On my way to school I tend to grab a granola bar and bottle of water. On the afternoon I did my lunch and went to my dance rehearsal. Before going to sleep I take another shower, brush my teeth and ate my dinner, most of the time is cereal or I order pizza.

I usually wake up late and I brush my teeth, clean my room, take breakfast and take a shower. I get to use the tap water for cleaning and hygiene. At night I had a dinner with my family. On my weekends I like to prepare a more elaborate and healthy breakfast and meal. In the morning I prepared hotcakes with some fruit at a side and for the lunch some salad.

On my sundays after taking breakfast we go out to church and sometimes after leaving we go out to the mall and take some lunch. During my day I tend to drink lots of bottle of water and every 2 hours take some healthy or sweet treat.

On mondays I woke up at 5:30 am and I do my morning routine which includes shower, brushing my teeth and clean my face that it normally takes me around 20 minutes.  After school a friend and I went home and ate some homemade spaghetti and then we prepared some school stuff for the next day. At night we order some pizza and we get to sleep.

I woke up at 5 take a shower, eat a fast breakfast, I went to school and I most of the days I eat my lunch at 1:00pm after arriving home I grab some snacks and a bottle of water. I did some homework and went to a soccer game at highschool.

lunes, 18 de agosto de 2014

Nigeria poverty and Famine

Poverty is considered as an scarcity when a group of people in a certain area can’t afford good wealth conditions in their daily life, causing health problems, nutrition crisis or Famine. Nigeria is one of the most populous nation in Africa with a population of 140 million people which half of it lives in poverty. Nigeria it’s also one of the best oil producers and owner of many natural resources which tend to benefit and improve its economy, but corruption can be involved causing poverty through time.   

According to a UNICEF report, poverty and famine are causing several consequences affecting specially children with global and acute malnutrition. They estimate around 1.1 million children threatened with several lack of food, insecurity and poverty. Besides, poverty is highly influenced by education, especially in Nigeria not everybody has the same access to quality education opportunities. Nigeria also is affected in cultural and social aspects, thanks to poverty and famine people are refused to big cities or common trade.
One of the principal solutions for this problem is farming, it’s considered a good livelihood for people and making people enjoy trade again, perhaps can also be ruined by violent attacks to communities if it’s not protected the right way.
If Nigeria want to see real change in its community they will need a clear strategy and be focused on regional aspects as economic growth. Establishing and streamline the incentive regimes, transparency, and accountability in order to adapt policies in the country and offer quality environmental services to the population.

"Overview." UNICEF Nigeria. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Aug. 2014. <>.

"Nigeria Battles a Worsening Malnutrition Crisis." UNICEF. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Aug. 2014. <>.
"In Nigeria, a Message for Maternal and Child Health." UNICEF. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Aug. 2014. <>.
"Nigeria: Poverty in the Midst of Plenty: The Challenge of Growth with Inclusion."Poverty Analysis -. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Aug. 2014. <>.

"Nigerians Living in Poverty Rise." BBC News. N.p., n.d. Web. 19 Aug. 2014. <>.